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Best truck stop honoured

Best truck stop honoured

When we go to the shop and select items off the shelf, often little thought goes into how those products arrived there. In many instances, from distribution centres the goods are loaded onto trucks that travel considerable distances to deliver these to retailers across the country.

This is one of the significant reasons MasterDrive launched the Fleet Safety Awards, to recognise the companies, fleet managers and drivers responsible for making this happen. The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, expands on this: “There is another sector that plays an essential role in ensuring the safety of drivers and timely delivery of items to our shop shelves: the truck stops along a driver’s route.

“Organisations committed to prioritising the safety of drivers require them to stop for a rest period at a truck stop. Yet, in South Africa’s climate of crime, measures need to be taken by the truck stops to ensure that the drivers can rest without concern for the safety of themselves or their cargo. Truck stops also play an essential role in ensuring drivers return to the road after a healthy meal, meeting basic maintenance requirements as well as a number of other important needs.”

Consequently, one of the new categories that fleets containing heavy commercial vehicles can nominate, is the Best Truck Stop Awards. An aspect of road safety that many often do not look at as an integral part, is the availability of safe truck stops that cater to the needs to drivers.

Drivers on long-distance trips often need to find a safe place to rest overnight. This is not simply a dusty parking lot but somewhere that satisfies the basic needs of drivers. There needs to be healthy and decent food, security for drivers and their loads, clean ablution facilities, refill stations and various other provisions for drivers.

Consequently, the Best Truck Stop Category was introduced to the 2023 Awards “This Award aims to pay recognition to the rest stop that goes above and beyond to cater to the wellness and safety of truckers stopping for breaks.

“If you are a fleet manager or driver that knows of a truck stop that fits this profile, give them the recognition they deserve for their commitment to providing much needed means for drivers to be at their best on the road.”

To nominate a truck stop, you need to first enter either Best Fleet Manager, Best Company or Road Warrior. Once you complete at least one of these entries, nominate your preferred truck stop before 18 July 2023. Road safety requires commitment from various sectors, including truck stops. Thus, take the opportunity to show the positive influence these rest stops have on road safety.

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